Tag: Pure Gold Powder

Monoatomic Gold Hoax: The Facts You Need to Know

Monoatomic Gold Hoax: The Facts You Need to Know

Today information travels at the speed of light and we have access to opinions and critique from all around the word.  Anyone at any point can publish or post their thoughts online and of course because of this there is often skepticism surrounding fact.  That’s why today we’re going to address claims surrounding a Monoatomic […]

Pure Gold Powder and Physical and Mental Healing

Pure Gold Powder and Physical and Mental Healing

It’s no secret in our day and age we live in a world filled with stress, sickness and various factors all weighing us down.  As the human race it’s expected we live busy lives with schedules packed to the brim, we have to be connected everywhere we go, never missing a beat.  As if our […]

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